In 2019, PSG pursued projects supporting implementation of the PGNiG Group Strategy for 2017−2022 in the area of distribution, aimed at putting in place technological and organisational solutions in customer service, meter reading, and billing of distribution services.
As a gas distributor, PSG additionally engages in a range of activities to combat smog and air pollution. In 2017, a number of environmental initiatives were launched, which were continued in 2019 (often in cooperation with local governments). These include:
In 2019, PSG continued its efforts to secure financing under the EU 2014–2020 financial framework. As part of Measure 7.1. – Development of intelligent storage, transmission and distribution systems, Priority axis VII – Improvement of energy security, PSG entered into agreements with the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute, providing for co-financing of investment projects. The expected total cost of nine projects exceeds PLN 566m, VAT inclusive (with the amount of subsidies in excess of PLN 227m). The total length of the distribution pipelines to be built or upgraded under the projects is 440 km.
In 2019, PSG continued efforts to develop the research and development area with a view to enhancing its innovativeness. The ‘Innovative Idea’ project was completed. Its objective was to attract innovative solutions supporting PSG’s principal operations and improve the commitment of employees to its business development. Overall, 35 ideas were submitted by employees, of which 10 were honoured with awards and 2 with distinctions.
PSG actively participates in innovative programmes. Key R&D projects implemented in 2019 include:
More information on capital expenditure in the Distribution segment in the period 2017-2022 and a detailed description of investments planned and implemented in 2020 is available here.