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Sales revenue [PLN m]
42 023 41 234 35 685 33 196 36 464
2 448 4 395 3 910 3 360 3 290
EBIT margin [%]
5,83 10,7 11 10,1 9
5 504 7 115 6 579 5 974 6 080
EBITDA margin [%]
13,1 17,3 18,4 18 16,7
Net profit [PLN m]
1 371 3 209 2 921 2 349 2 136
Depreciation and amortization [PLN m]
-3 056 -2 720 -2 669 -2 614 -2 790
Net cash from financial activities [PLN m]
327 237 -4 204 -2 269 -829
Pre-tax profit [PLN m]
2 159 4 502 3 922 3 210 3 014
Assets [PLN m]
59 185 53 271 48 203 49 672 48 292
Equity [PLN m]
38 107 36 632 33 627 32 016 30 741
Net debt [PLN m]
3715 -223 429 523 360
0,24 0,56 0,51 0,4 0,36
0,09 0,18 - 0,2 0,18
ROE [%]
3,6 8,8 8,7 7,3 6,9
ROA [%]
2,3 6 6,1 4,7 4,4
Current ratio
1,6 1,8 1,8 1,5 2,5
Quick ratio
1,2 1,3 1,4 1,2 2
Debt to liabilities [%]
35,6 31,2 30,2 35,5 36,3
Debt to equity [%]
55,3 45,4 43,3 55,1 57,1
Exploration and Production - Total segment revenue [PLN m]
5 822 7 671 6 118 5 289 4 855
Exploration and Production - Total segment costs [PLN m]
-3 518 -3 715 -3 313 -4 151 -3 760
Exploration and Production - EBIT [PLN m]
2 304 3 956 2 805 1 138 1 095
Exploration and Production - EBITDA [PLN m]
3 360 5 019 3 865 2 206 2 426
Exploration and Production - Capital expenditure [PLN m]
2 508 2 232 1 214 1 254 1 437
Trade and Storage - Total segment revenue [PLN m]
33 250 31 704 26 540 28 180 31 742
Trade and Storage - Total segment costs [PLN m]
-33 934 -32 741 -27 180 -27 775 -31 361
Trade and Storage - EBIT [PLN m]
-684 -1 037 -640 405 381
Trade and Storage - EBITDA [PLN m]
-470 -848 -434 614 623
Trade and Storage - Capital expenditure [PLN m]
159 108 60 82 233
Distribution - Total segment revenue [PLN m]
4 587 4 927 4 937 4 915 4 585
Distribution - Total segment costs [PLN m]
-3 607 -3 469 -3 369 -3 280 -3 135
Distribution - EBIT [PLN m]
980 1 458 1 568 1 635 1 450
Distribution - EBITDA [PLN m]
1 995 2 385 2 493 2 559 2 339
Distribution - Capital expenditure [PLN m]
2 278 1 807 1 265 1 109 1 193
Generation - Total segment revenue [PLN m]
2 565 2 387 2 251 2 195 1 887
Generation - Total segment costs [PLN m]
-2 416 -2 072 -1 826 -1 796 -1 520
Generation - EBIT [PLN m]
149 316 425 399 367
Generation - EBITDA [PLN m]
856 788 843 759 679
Generation - Capital expenditure [PLN m]
1628 605 526 438 454
Other operations - Total segment revenue [PLN m]
500 503 459 362 325
Other operations - Total segment costs [PLN m]
-822 -787 -682 -603 -331
Other operations - EBIT [PLN m]
-322 -284 -223 -241 -6
Other operations - EBITDA [PLN m]
-258 -214 -162 -186 12
Other operations - Capital expenditure [PLN m]
67 143 145 120 7

* Data restated according to the new segmentation of the PGNiG Group’s operations 
**Data restated for comparability in connection with the application of the new IFRS 15 Financial Reporting Standard with effect from 1 January 2018