Considering the complexity of processes across its various business segments, the PGNiG Group’s environmental impact varies in terms of its scale and severity. The PGNiG Group implements pro-environmental measures and initiatives which are adequate to the nature of its business. 

Environmental matters at the PGNiG Group are governed by two key documents. The first one is the QHSE Policy, demonstrating the Group’s responsibility for conducting business activities with due consideration given to the global challenges of sustainable development. The second one is the PGNiG Group Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017−2022, which underlines the importance of the environmental dimension in the Group as a sustainable business. 

Environmental footprint and community impact are inherent in the Group companies’ business activity. Therefore, given the potential negative impact on both people and the natural environment, the PGNiG Group strives to minimise its footprint based on environmental risk analysis, continuous monitoring of air, surface water and groundwater, as well as application of state-of-the-art environmental protection technologies.

Environmental protection aspects applying to the PGNiG Group

In order to support the delivery of the PGNiG Group’s QHSE Policy and the PGNiG Group Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017−2022, the Group has developed technical standards for its operations based on applicable legal requirements and best industrial practices. The Group also undertakes preventive measures in the area of exploration and production, and has partnered with research and development centres in order to develop new technologies or solutions to be integrated within segment-specific operations. 

Grupa PGNiG jest świadoma wyzwań oraz oczekiwań ze strony interesariuszy związanych z aktywnością przyczyniającą się do odpowiedzialnego i zrównoważonego biznesu. Tym samym nie bez znaczenia dla przemyślanych działań w tym zakresie miało umiejscowienie obszaru środowiskowego w Strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju Grupy Kapitałowej PGNiG na lata 2017–2022.

The PGNiG Group is aware of the challenges and stakeholders’ expectations with regard to its sustainable growth initiatives. Therefore, inclusion of environmental aspects within the framework of the PGNiG Group Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017−2022 will support the implementation of well-thought-out measures in this area. The adopted CSR Strategy defines the objectives and measures designed to support initiatives aimed at integrating the principles of circular economy in the development of products and services. To that end, the PGNiG Group is engaged in research into new waste management methods, including waste recovery, which will support the achievement of adopted deliverables. The PGNiG Group also continues to implement measures reducing air emissions. Stakeholder and regulatory pressures call for unwavering commitment and focus also with regard to climate change mitigation measures.

The importance of environmental matters is demonstrated by the investment projects implemented by the PGNiG Group in 2019 with a view to reducing gas and energy consumption as well as air emissions. Moreover, the Company takes steps aimed at improving energy efficiency through the implementation and maintenance of an energy management system or promotion of existing solutions offering high energy efficiency (such as cogeneration).