GRI 401-2 
The PGNiG Group applies a clear and transparent remuneration policy governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement. At the same time, the individual organisational units apply the internal regulations and trade union agreements in force within their own structures. 

Ensuring that remuneration is appropriate to the type of job and linked to performance quality and efficiency is a vital element of the remuneration policy. Given its deeply rooted ethics, the Group is vigilant in ensuring that there is no discrimination in access to employment and working conditions.  In addition to transparent remuneration systems, employees are motivated by numerous benefits as well as co-workers’ openness to collaboration in joint initiatives. 

New hires emphasise the importance of the Induction Programme, which enables them to get to know the organisation quickly and integrate into its structures. Task diversity, opportunities to improve qualifications through training and conferences, as well as satisfaction with their tasks are only some of the incentives that motivate employees to work. It should be noted that the PGNiG Group also operates an MBO-based bonus system for management personnel.

The management-by-objectives system precisely defines key tasks relevant to the PGNiG Group’s priorities, with bonuses for managers depending on the quality and degree of performance against those priorities. Employees may also receive a discretionary performance bonus awarded quarterly by line managers. Another form of remuneration is a discretionary task bonus, earmarked for employees excelling in their work.  The Group also presents project awards to staff involved in the execution of project tasks. In addition to those awards, the Group offers the following extra payments, fringe and non-financial benefits to employees hired under contracts of employment: 

Extra payments:
  • Length-of-service award
  • Retirement severance payments
  • Employee Pension Scheme
  • Cash awards to employees receiving Outstanding Service to the Oil and Gas Mining Industry badges
  • Christmas bonuses
  • Special bonuses
  • Night work allowance
  • Sickness allowance
  • Rescue worker allowance
Fringe benefits:
  • Payments from the Company Social Benefits Fund
  • Prevention and healing holidays
  • Assistance with the cost of eyeglasses
  • Medical services plan
  • Assistance with commuting costs for Head Office employees
  • Language courses
  • Costs of travel (business travel) for university students
  • Assistance with the costs of graduate, post-graduate, MBA and doctoral programmes, etc.
  • Assistance with the cost of sports and recreational cards
  • Assistance with the cost of tickets for cultural, educational, sports and recreational events 
  • Assistance with the cost of miner uniforms
Non-financial benefits:
  • Additional holiday entitlement (including health leave, special leave, etc.)
  • Extended notice period for employees with over 15 years’ service
  • Recuperative meals (for selected professions)
  • Participation in professional development projects
  • Participation in group-wide projects, including as a project team member or project manager
  • Flexible working hours.