Investments in innovation and advanced solutions drive operational efficiency, contribute to the growth of the PGNiG Group’s business potential and help address new challenges associated with environmental impacts and climate. The PGNiG Group’s priorities are to foster collaborative partnerships with the scientific community and to support and spur growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups in particular.
Key metrics:
- The InnVento Start-up Centre – support for the development of energy sector start-ups and joint search for new technological solutions
- MIT Enterprise Forum Poland Acceleration Programme
- PGNiG Ventures – a corporate venture capital fund focused on projects and businesses offering product or process innovations relevant to the upstream and energy sectors
- Energy Efficiency – integrating systemic solutions into the PGNiG Energy Policy and implementation of an ISO:50001 Energy Management System
- Mini Drill, Hydra Tank, ELIZA – key R&D projects implemented by the PGNiG Group in 2019
- Geo Metan II, Kelvin, Digital Field, Smok 3D – key innovation projects implemented by the PGNiG Group in 2019
innovation projects implemented in 2019 with the participation of the PGNiG Group (132 projects in 2018)
R&D projects implemented in 2019 with the participation of the PGNiG Group, including nine projects co-financed by the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) in the 1st edition of the INGA (Innovative Gas Industry) programme
ca. PLN 400m
budget earmarked for innovation projects in 2019 (ca. PLN 349m in 2018)
ca. PLN 13.5m
money spent on R&D projects implemented at the PGNiG Group (PLN 9.7m in 2018)
pilot start-up projects implemented in 2019 under the MIT Enterprise Forum Poland acceleration programme
Our approach to performance management:
- Fostering a culture of innovation across the organisation to raise staff and management awareness with respect to innovation advancement, and undertaking efforts to maintain a network of collaboration with professional entities specialising in cooperation with start-ups and innovative companies
- A series of research and development activities related to hydrogen technology as a potential new business line were continued
- Commercialisation of successfully completed innovation and R&D projects – work commenced in 2019 on commercialisation of two innovative solutions, including the Smok 3D liquefied natural gas metering and billing system.
- Closing of the 5th edition of the Young Innovators for PGNiG competition.