GRI 102-10, 103-3 
The mission of PSG as the distribution system operator is to provide gas fuel distribution services to all gas fuel consumers and traders (while ensuring that all of them receive equal treatment) on the basis of distribution agreements. In 2019, PSG executed seven distribution agreements and four Interoperator Distribution Agreements. In the same period, about 61.7 thousand customers switched to another seller.

Municipalities where PSG provides gas fuel distribution services


Source: In-house analysis based on PSG data.



PSG’s activities resulted in the execution of over 113.5 thousand connection contracts in 2019, providing for 123.5 thousand new connections to the gas grid. In 2019, PSG planned to build over 63.4 thousand new service lines. By the end of 2019, nearly 208.5 thousand decisions defining the terms of connection were issued (up 17% year on year) and 81.2 thousand service lines with a total length of 821 km were built. 



As regards growth of the LNG market, PSG continued its efforts to begin the distribution in new areas based on LNG regasification stations. In 2019, commissioning reports were issued for 19 new LNG regasification stations. As at the end of 2019, PSG supplied (via its LNG regasification stations) approximately 110 GWh of gas fuel to end users in off-grid areas, which means an increase of ca. 24% in the LNG distribution volumes relative to 2018. Concurrently, as at the end of 2019, the number of gas fuel customers in off-grid areas was nearly 21 thousand.w

LNG regasification stations in Poland

Source: In-house analysis based on PSG data.

As part of activities designed to streamline the Polish gas system, PSG purchased gas distribution infrastructure from PGNiG, including assets comprising the high-pressure gas pipeline between KGZ Kościan and KGHM Żukowice / Polkowice (ca. 114 km) and assets comprising the high-pressure gas network in the coastal strip. (ca. 111 km).

Volume of gas transmitted via the distribution system (mcm)

Length of own network, including service lines (thousand km) and number of customers (million)

* Customer − anyone receiving or drawing gas fuel under an agreement with a gas supplier.


An important factor affecting the performance of PSG’s operator obligations was the conclusion of comprehensive gas supply contracts with an emergency suppliers/last-resort supplier on behalf of and for about 25,000 end users, following the termination of gas fuel supply by Hermes Energy Group S.A., Orange Energia Sp. z o.o. and Energy Match Sp. z o.o..

PSG’s operations are extensively regulated through the licensing of activities related to the distribution of gas fuels and to the provision of the liquefied natural gas regasification service. In 2019, the following licences were in force:

  • Tariff No. 6, effective from March 1st 2018 to February 14th 2019, resulting in a reduction of the average distribution fee by 7.37% relative to the previous tariff.
  • Tariff No. 7, effective from March 15th to December 31st 2019, resulting in a 5% reduction of the average distribution fee relative to the previous tariff.


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